Time to Break the Victimization CycleDr. Stacey LamarApr 30, 2021Updated: Jun 22, 2022This video offers encouragement for all that have experienced victimization. Are you struggling with reclaiming your power? You are not alone. https://youtu.be/aovlWAG9MbE #shineyourlight #endthedarkness #endviolence #metoo #ptsd #endabuse #empowerment#thesourceny #drstaceylamar
This video offers encouragement for all that have experienced victimization. Are you struggling with reclaiming your power? You are not alone. https://youtu.be/aovlWAG9MbE #shineyourlight #endthedarkness #endviolence #metoo #ptsd #endabuse #empowerment#thesourceny #drstaceylamar